About Us...
Information about the history of the SVIS and club activity:
The club has been in existence since the 1970’s as part of the British Ski Club for Disabled, becoming Scottish Disabled Skiers in the 80’s when European ski holidays featured annually. The club currently has 4 active skiers with a visual impairment or no sight, and 8 active guides, some of whom are ski instructors and some of whom have a British Association of Ski Instructor (BASI) qualification. In 2011-2012 five SVIS guides attended and benefited from the Scottish War Blinded training for sighted Guides ‘mobility matters’ arranged through the SWB Outreach programme. VI Club members have also graduated successfully into competition skiing.
SVIS is a registered charity with the Office of Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and has club membership of Snowsport Scotland, where the subscription includes a premium paid for each member to cover Civil Liability insurance. The Midlothian Snowsports Centre at Hillend are very supportive of club activities and advise us of any events or racing fixtures that may clash with the proposed Club Ski dates. The Centre management have also been supportive of VI Ski learning using their own qualified instructors alongside a SVIS guide.
Club ski nights are generally held through the winter period from October until April each year. In this period fortnightly meetings are held at the Midlothian Snowsports Centre (Hillend) on a Saturday late afternoon between 4.30pm and 6.45pm. This start timing means that when the SVIS skiers start about 5pm we can have more freedom on the slope, all classes being finished for the day. Where the skier lives in Edinburgh it is often possible for the guide to pick up (and return) the skier to and from their Edinburgh home. Payment of about £8 for two hours (Subsidised by the club for its Members) is made by the skiers with a visual impairment, to the Treasurer before obtaining the hire skis and boots. Skiing is at the pace of the skier with visual impairment - although with the very keen the guide can say ' last run'! The club also arranges some social evenings or outings outwith the 'season' - skittles or bowling nights being favourites but canal trips have also featured. Our AGM normally takes place in April and can be arranged to have a food and refreshments session afterwards. Members don't need to commit to skiing at every meeting although planning for guides and skiers depends on availability on the pre-arranged dates.

The Constitution and Rules
1. Name The Club shall be called the Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers (SVIS). It is a Charity Registered in Scotland with the Registered Number SCO29833.
2. Objectives The objectives of the club are to provide means and facilities for Blind and Visually Impaired people to participate in recreational skiing
3. Affiliation The Club shall be affiliated to Snowsports Scotland from whom they will obtain Civil Liability Insurance for Members through this affiliation.
4. Membership Membership of the Club shall be open to eligible persons who are interested in furthering the work of the Club, agree to operate to the Club Code of Conduct and who have paid the annual subscription as determined by the Club. The Club shall consist of Sighted and Visually Impaired Skiers. Sighted members acting as Guides must be able to ski while concentrating on guiding a visually impaired skier. Disabilities other than sight impairment can be assessed but it may not be possible to accept such persons for guiding through SVIS. Visually Impaired Skiers who are unable to ski are also eligible to join but will have to agree to take ski-lessons with a qualified instructor and a club ski-guide until they have sufficient competence to ski with a Club Guide only. Junior Members are welcome but will not be expected or entitled to guide until over 16 years of age and with training. As Club Members have not undergone Child Disclosure procedures any junior member will be required to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Membership can be applied for by application to the Secretary who keeps an email register for Club Communication purposes only and it is not registered under the Data Protection Act.
The Committee shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to refuse or to terminate the membership of any individual provided that the individual member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.
5. Annual General Meeting The AGM shall be held annually. A statement of the audited accounts for the preceding club year shall be given at the meeting. A notice calling the meeting shall be issued at least 21 days prior to the meeting.
6. Quorum The quorum at an ordinary meeting of the Club shall be not less than 1/3 of the total actual membership of the Club. The quorum at a special General Meeting will be 1/2 of the total actual membership of the Club.
7. Voting Voting shall be in person and not by proxy. All questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. No person shall exercise more than one vote even if he or she may have been appointed to represent two or more interests, but in the event of a tied vote the person taking the chair at the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
8. Election of Committee and Office Bearers The Office Bearers of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the membership of the club at the Annual General Meeting together with the rest of the Committee. They shall hold office for one year and be eligible for re-election. The secretary shall, at least two weeks before the AGM, communicate with all members calling for nominations for the Committee. The committee shall have the power
SVIS Constitution and Rules (Updated after AGM 2012) Page 1
SVIS Constitution and Rules (Updated after AGM 2012) Page 2
to elect sub-committees and to co-opt additional members as it may deem necessary.
9. Subscriptions Subscriptions for the coming year shall be agreed at the AGM and shall be paid annually at or soon after the AGM.
10. Minutes The minutes of meetings of the Club shall contain a record of all proceedings, resolutions and decisions.
11. Special General Meeting A Special General Meeting may be called at the discretion of the Committee. 21 days notice of such a meeting shall be given to the members and not less than 50% of members require to be present for the meeting to be Quorate.
12. Finance Monies raised by or on behalf of the Club shall be applied to further the Objectives of the Club and for no other purpose. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Club. The accounts shall be audited at least once a year by the auditor or auditors appointed at the Annual General meeting. An audited statement of the accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted by the Treasurer to the Annual General Meeting. All monies shall be lodged in a Bank or Building Society Account in the name of the Club, as the Committee shall from time to time decide. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be authorized signatories to conduct Club transactions and all financial transactions shall require two authorized signatories from the above.
13. Property The title to all property heritable and moveable, which may be acquired by or on behalf of the Club shall be vested in the duly elected Office Bearers.
14. Constitution and Rules Every Member shall receive a copy of the Constitution and Rules.
15. Alterations to the Constitution and Rules The Constitution and Rules may be altered or added to only if the alteration or addition has been approved by more than 50% of the membership at an AGM or Special Meeting convened for the purpose. In any event no alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Club to cease to be recognised by the Inland Revenue as a charity.
16. Freedom from liability No Member shall have any claim against the Club or its Office Bearers or any individual member of the Club in respect of any loss, injury or damage whatsoever caused by or arising from the use of any club equipment or any trip, or other activity or function organized by, or on behalf of, the club.
17. Dissolution If the Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Club, it shall call a special general meeting of the Club, of which meeting not less than 21 day's notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be given. If such decision shall be confirmed by a quorate meeting, the Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of the Club. Any assets remaining after the settlement of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable organisation or organisations having Objects similar to Objects of the Club, as the Committee may determine.
18. Declaration It is hereby certified that this document represents a true and most up to date version of the constitution of Scottish Visually Impaired skiers.
Membership Form
Code of Conduct
Risk Register
Radios Guide
Ski Guide
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