<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers - Learn to Ski

Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers


Do you have a visual impairment and can ski?

Or would you like to learn to ski?

If you can already ski then join the SVIS club.

The time: every 2 weeks on a Saturday afternoon between 4.30 and 7pm (Oct - Apr)

The place: at Midlothian Snowsport Centre, Hillend, Fairmilehead

Cost to members: visually impaired skiers pay for up to 2 hours about £8; no charge for guides.

Equipment: high visibility vests are provided for wear by skiers and by guides; helmets,skis, boots and poles are supplied by the Centre if you do not have your own; radios are provided to communicate and direct the skier downhill.

The dates: Use the contact below to obtain up to date information, Club Members are circulated with pre-arranged dates at least twice in the year.

It’s up to you to decide which Saturdays you want to ski.

If you have a visual Impairment and would like to learn to ski?

We are currently investigating how to do this better and possibly outside of our club nights with a combination of Hillend instructors and our own club guides. Please ask for or provide more information as this will also help the Club plan a way forward.

Do you want to know more?

Then get in touch with us at contact@SVIS.org.uk
or phone 07836 227167



Membership Form

Code of Conduct

Risk Register

Radios Guide

Ski Guide

Cookie Policy

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