<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers - Can you Help ?

Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers


Skiing at Hillend, Midlothian Snowsport Centre – with a difference!


Ski Guides are needed to make it possible for skiers with a visual impairment to ski.

You could participate in making this happen with the Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers (SVIS).

The guides are a vital part of arrangements and a huge part of successful guiding is communicating with the blind or VI skier using radios on the slope. High visibility vests are provided for both skiers and guides. Training is given by way of notes, guide to guide instruction and then skiing with a VI skier on the slope. Some information on this is given in our documents section of the website.

If you are a keen young skier and would like to Guide VI skiers as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme then the club has a programme which allows you to participate as a young VI Guide.

Further work is being done to provide instruction for VI persons who are wishing to learn to ski by having a qualified instructor and a SVIS guide at this initial stage which may lead to a Guiding for the Visually Impaired qualification in the future.

It’s up to the guides to say which dates they can or can’t guide and the rota for each club night is made up on that basis.

For more information get in touch with us at  contact@SVIS.org.uk
or phone 07836 227167



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Code of Conduct

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Radios Guide

Ski Guide

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