Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers


Ski with the Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers (SVIS) SC020833

Do you have a visual impairment and can ski ?
Or would you like to learn to ski?

Would you like to become a sighted Guide for VI Skiers?

Then Join our Club!!! Membership Form in the Documents Section of the website.

The time: every 2 weeks on a Saturday afternoon between 4.30 and 7pm (Oct - Apr)

The place: at Midlothian Snowsport Centre, Hillend, Fairmilehead

Cost to members: visually impaired skiers pay for up to 2 hours about £8; no charge for guides.

Equipment: high visibility vests are provided for wear by skiers and by guides; helmets,skis, boots and poles are supplied by the Centre if you do not have your own; radios are provided to communicate and direct the skier downhill.

The dates: Use the contact below to obtain up to date information, Club Members are circulated with pre-arranged dates at least twice in the year.

For VI Persons who would like to learn to ski please also use the VI Skier button at the top of this page, we really think you could enjoy the sport of recreational skiing.

Do you want to know more?
Then just get in touch with us at
or phone 07836 227167

Ski Guides are needed to make it possible for skiers with a visual impairment to ski. You can participate in making this happen with the Scottish Visually Impaired Skiers (SVIS).

To find out more use the Guides for VI Skiers button at the top of this page, use
or phone 07836 227167




Membership Form

Code of Conduct

Risk Register

Radios Guide

Ski Guide

Cookie Policy

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